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Ale Jarl 
The first stanza is repeated as burden (chorus).

Aegir, Laird of the rolling main
Aegir, swan road's your home
Snowy foam oer salty whale way
Ale Brewer, Hall Host blest

Ale halls are cheered by your good gift
Fruit of the fields made into drink
Inspires joy, songs from the Folk
Trú fellowship under Hall Frith

Forested hills, rolling treetops
Reminding all of deep green swells
Thor and Teiwaz crossed land and sea
Aegir then gained vat for brewing

- Burden -

Filled by Gymir, cups of the Gods
Everflowing vat of bright ale
Around the Hearth, merrily feast
Aesir, Vanir, sit in good cheer

Aegir's Alehof is warmly lit
Kept very well by servants two
Dark Tempered One became displeased
Slew cupbearer then fled the garth

- Burden -

Aegir did host Ases at feast
High bench and low filled by bright fame
The Wily One entered within
Flyting and wrath riled the Hall

Slayer was bound, Deeming of Gods
Back to the feast, all then returned
Saddened by Deed, but wiser too
Gladdened by ale, burden lightened

- Burden -

Hail to Aegir, Master of Ale
Hail the Farmers, Hail the Brewers
From them we get, our meat and drink
Hail to the Hosts, and the Servers

Ale halls are cheered by your good gift
Fruit of the fields made into drink
Inspires joy, songs from the Folk
Trú fellowship under Hall Frith

- Burden -
- Burden -

© Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr

Catamount Grange Hearth  .  Poetry books by Pipaskeggr at Cafepress.com

Piparskeggrskald Podbean - A place to hear Piparskeggr's poems and songs.

Image: Ćgir, Rán and their nine daughters prepare a huge vat of ale.
From a 19th century Swedish translation of the Poetic Edda. Public Domain.

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