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By Courtesy of Others ~ Back
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by Theme
Freya & Odhr
* Freya's Ragnarok
Angela "Ember" Cooke
* Freya´s Halls Ayla
* Song for
Freya Karl Donaldsson - lyrics & mp3
* To
the Lady Matt Ottercat
* Lady of the Vanir
Alice Karlsdóttir
* Old Love
Michaela Macha
* Trial
Michaela Macha
Bright Enchantress
Lorrie Wood
Sea Goddess Passion
Erik Goodwyn
* Lady of Cats Christie Ward
Freya Kimberley Remen
An Encounter with Freyja
Jeff Wolf
"Let me seek you in my desire,
Let me desire you in my seeking.
Let me find you by loving you,
Let me love you when I find you." - St. Anselm
Tears in the Ocean
Michaela Macha
* Brisingamen
Cameron La Follette
* Freya’s Cat
Dennis Echternach
A Morning Prayer for
Kira R.
* For
Freyja Jeff Wolf
* Brisingamen
Ann Groa Sheffield
Freya Summoning Song
Patricia Lafayllve
* Od (Freya´s Search) Michaela Macha
Alan Hodgson
* Freyja! Freyjashetja
"She walks in Beauty, like the
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes" - Lord Byron
* Invitation Karen Emanuelson
* Freyja
Patricia LaFayllve
A Journey
To Ecstasy Ayla Wolffe
* Freyja Sun-Wing
Cameron La Follette
* Vanadis
Jenny Blain
Vanadis Matthias
* ?Divine Suffering? Puck
* The
Claiming Wayne Earl
And Claw
Ayla Wolffe
Danny Harbison
Catching Freya Michael Schütz
"In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest,
where no one sees you,
but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art." - Rumi
* Freya's
Cup of Passion Michael Schütz
* Sweet Lust of
Freyja Bill Haile
Falcon Dream
Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr
Goddess of Love and
Fertility Bashir Sarieddine
* Homecoming
(The Claiming Part II) Wayne Earl
* Folkvanger´s
Chosen Andre Mendes
* Freyja Jonathan Cyr
* Amidst the 13 Moons Matilda Marks
* Freya
Hilary Ayer
* Tears of Gold
Carrie Rowland
* Waiting
Lori Brown-Scheel
* Brisingamen
Andre Mendes
* Freya Calls
* Lady
Freya Vivian
* Freya
Jackie Hannigan
* Freya´s Gift
Jackie Hannigan
* Blot to
Frey and Freya Dan (Daniel T.) Campbell
Freya´s Nine Names Rhonda Turner
* The
Coming of Freya
Jim Davis
The Sun for a Tear
Bill Haile
* Freyja
* Invocation to
Freya Erik Goodwyn
* Freyja's Warrior
Bill Haile
* A Sacrifice to Freya
Michael Schütz
Blessing of Patience and Love
Darí Einarfjórđison
* Nidavellir
Pagan Book of Hours
* Invocation to
Frey and Freya
Pagan Book of Hours
* Mayday!
(not a children´s story) John T Mainer
* Haiku Freyja: I & II
Rebecca Buchanan
* Hymn to Freyja I
Rebecca Buchanan
* Hymn to Freyja II
Rebecca Buchanan
* Hymn to Freyja III
Rebecca Buchanan
Galina Krasskova
* Prayer to Freya II
Galina Krasskova
Your Face
Kolag Hraban
Kolag Hraban
Freya´s Rose
Michael Schütz
Beautiful Freyja
Glenn Bergen
* Freyja Diana Paxson
Adorations of Freya Maris Pái
The First Lesson
Maris Pái
Freya Galina Krasskova
* Lady of Love Michaela Macha
The Golden Red Lady, Sweet Beauty
Erik Goodwyn
* Brisingamen
Hazel-Kate Dooley
Maris Pái
* Devotional
Poem to Freya Sarenth Odinsson
* Adorations of
Freya Sarenth Odinsson
Prayers for Odh
* Freyja' s Journey (story) Glenn Bergen
© Hrana Janto,
http://hranajanto.com, used with License.
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